News and Events
2024 Storm Drain Art Contest
Since 2014, TVWA and local partners have invited local artists to submit design proposals for storm drain art in downtown Fairbanks. This project aims to raise public awareness that ALL storm drains flow directly into the Chena River and provide an opportunity for artists to create public works of art in the downtown and surrounding Fairbanks area. The past art was displayed for one year before the construction on Cushman Street (2014), Noble Street (2015), Cowles Street (2016), Gilliam Way (2017), Barnette Street (2018), 5th Avenue (2019), 3rd Avenue (2020), Lacey Street (2021), and Cowles Street (2022). This project has garnered local, state, and national attention. The painting will take place on June 1st.

2024 Adopt-a-Stream Program
The Adopt-A-Stream program is a volunteer-based effort coordinated by the Tanana Valley Watershed Association (TVWA) in partnership with the City of Fairbanks’ Storm Water Advisory Committee. The goal is to involve residents and local businesses in monitoring the water quality of the local rivers, lakes, and streams. Elements of the programs include water-quality monitoring, litter pick-up, stream bank restoration and maintenance, and management of flow restrictions. The 2024 Adopt-A-Stream Training will take place (TBA).
Fill out our volunteer form HERE to get involved!
Adopt-A-Stream Training
Looking for a fun, outdoors, and hands-on educational opportunity for your family this summer? TVWA's Adopt-a-Stream program is a free, flexible program that trains you to be a citizen scientist and gives you all the tools you need to conduct water quality sampling at a local water body of your choice on your own schedule.
* Learn about how and why we measure water quality.
* Gain valuable scientific research skills.
* Submit your data to a global database!
* Free one-on-one time and support from field technicians
2021 training will be held on Saturday, May 15 from 12-2pm at FAST Planning- 100 Cushman Street Suite 205. This training will also be available on zoom. To register please email naomi.tvwa@gmail.com. If you can’t make it please contact us to set up a private training.

Arbor Day 2019
There are many good reasons to plant trees in our community and Arbor Day is a great time to volunteer with many planting events happening around town.
More Information:
TVWA and partners (Georgeson Botanical Garden, the Bread Line, and Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation System (now FAST)) received a grant from the Department of Natural Resources to demonstrate the importance of food forests for local food security to the community and to provide the Bread Line with locally grown food. We will also be distributing copies of the recently printed Green Infrastructure for Interior Alaska guide.

Splashy Salmon Alcohol Ink Paint Class
We will make a 9" x 13' alcohol ink painting on yupo paper. This technique uses vibrant color inks on a resistant background that allows the inks to flow and blend similar to water color. All supplies and templates included.
Cost: $45 includes all supplies, templates, drinks, and appetizers.
Tickets are on sale NOW and seating is limited!

Voices of the Chena - Film Debut
The Tanana Valley Watershed Association and the US Fish and Wildlife Service invite you to the debut of the short film "Voices of the Chena."
When: Friday, August 26 from 7:30 to 9pm
Where: The Venue, 514 2nd Ave (Downtown Fairbanks)
Why: For the last 115 years, the Chena River has been at the heart of our community. This film explores that river, its importance to king salmon and ways we can take care of them both.
To RSVP - Go to our Facebook Event HERE
See both trailers for the film below:
Trailer #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40KxCBzZq68
Trailer #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efs3VMtMm9A

Midnight Sun Festival
Downtown Fairbanks will host the 35th Midnight Sun Festival celebration on Father’s Day, June 19, from noon-midnight! As Alaska’s largest single-day event, the Festival attracts more than 30,000 people to downtown Fairbanks.
The Festival will feature more than 160 vendors offering a bevy of shopping and eating opportunities.
To learn more about this event - visit the Fairbanks Downtown Association Website.

12th Annual Stream Cleanup Day
12th annual Stream Cleanup in Fairbanks.
The Fairbanks Storm Advisory Committee is asking for help to clean trash and debris from Noyes Slough and the portion of the Chena River running through downtown. Activities begin at 9a.m. at the Lions Club Park off Danby Road. Volunteers will work on foot and from canoes. Several canoes will be available.

Alaskan Arbor Day - 50th Anniversary
TVWA is hosting an Arbor Day event May 16 from 3pm - 7pm at the Big I, downtown along the Chena River.
This fun event will include a FREE educational workshop and installation project. If you want to learn how to properly plant a tree to ensure a long lifespan or just want to learn more about riparian (river) habitat, then you won’t want to miss this! We’ll provide basic instruction and we will be installing native trees, shrubs and flowers to re-vegetate this downtown streambank. Stay for the food, fun and other activities! More information to come in the next few weeks. Contact Laura at laura.tvwa@gmail.com if you want to sign up to help or learn more.

Permeable Pavers Workshop
Have you heard of permeable pavers and interested in how you might use them on your property to address stormwater run off? Come and learn about two stormwater projects that the Tanana Valley Watershed Association (TVWA), the Department of Conservation (DEC), and the City of Fairbanks (COF) will be installing along Cushman Street this spring.
Important Information
When: May 9th
9am-10am: Discussion: Learn about the process that TVWA went through for S Salon and Transit Park to develop stormwater fixes for these two sites. The focus will be on the use of permeable pavers, as Fairbanks Materials Inc. (FMI) will be there to introduce this type of paver and where you can use it.
10am - 4pm: Hands-on Workshop: Paver installation at S Salon and Transit Park on Cushman Street. Be prepared for digging and some lifting of pavers. Wear work clothes. All equipment will be provided. Space is limited for this part of the workshop, sign up fast!
Where: TVWA & S Salon
We'll begin at the TVWA's office for the lecture 516 2nd Ave Suite 412 on the 4th floor of the Lathrop Building. Then we will walk over to S Salon and Transit Park for the installations.
How can I sign up:
Please RSVP to the email address below and let us know whether you plan to only attend the lecture (9am to 10am) or want to stay for the whole workshop and installation (9 am to 4pm).
RSVP: Space is limited so RSVP now!
Email laura.tvwa@gmail.com or call 907-374-8890
Snacks & beverages provided for those that stay for the installation.

Webinar - Networked monitoring of salmon habitat temperature: two case studies from southwestern Alaska
Wednesday Feb. 10, 2016 -- Noon to 1 PM
Networked Monitoring of Salmon Habitat Temperature: Two Case Studies From Southwestern Alaska
Bill Pyle (Kodiak NWR) & Sue Mauger (Cook InletKeeper)
In recognition of the importance of salmon to the economy and ecosystems of southwestern Alaska and the pervasive influence of water temperature on salmon, voluntary network-based water temperature monitoring programs were established in the Bristol Bay region and the Kodiak Archipelago in 2015. These collaborative networks among federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and Native Tribes aim to provide reliable time-series stream and lake temperature data to support development of proactive approaches to management of salmon in response to climate warming. Collaborators are tackling the challenges of year-round field deployment, data management, data storage and sharing, and long-term funding. Examples from Bristol Bay and Kodiak will be highlighted to identify successes and lessons learned to assist in the development of other regional networks across Alaska.
Join us:
- Anchorage: US Fish & Wildlife Service Regional Office, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Mary Smith Conference Room (2rd Floor)
- Fairbanks: US Fish & Wildlife Service Field Office, 101 12th Ave., Refuges Conference Room
- Join WebEx meeting
- Meeting number: 746 506 741
- Meeting password: !WALcc2016
- Call-in (toll free): 1-866-730-5871
- Pass code: 111 111 (US)

Forestry Classes Oct 1st - 2nd
The Alaska Division of Forestry and Alaska Community Forest Council will host a series of classes in Anchorage and Fairbanks for arborists, landscape architects, foresters, developers and others who want to learn how to retain trees during development and to diagnose structural problems of trees.
Class 1 - Site Planning and Construction with Trees in Mind
Fairbanks class: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 1
At the Council Chambers in City Hall, 800 Cushman Street
Topics covered in class: Learn practical techniques for successfully retaining trees when building roads, homes, or other structures. See examples of how retaining healthy and attractive trees will reduce costs for removal and replacement and create more attractive landscapes. Case studies will demonstrate practices that will reduce damage to trees and possible hazards in the future.
A field trip to local sites will help participants gain a better understanding of how to determine which trees can and should be retained, which should be removed before construction, andsteps to take during and after construction to maintain trees in good health.
Class 2 - Techniques for Diagnosing Structural Problems in Trees
Fairbanks class: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Oct. 2
At the Council Chambers in City Hall, 800 Cushman Street
Topics covered in class: This workshop will help you hone your diagnostic skills and ability to assess the condition of trees to determine the significance of defects. Mr. Baker will cover tree biology, structure, and anatomy, visual tree assessment and common diagnostic tools, and methods for reporting results of an assessment. A classroom presentation will be followed by outdoor field practice. The workshop is open to anyone but intended for arborists, foresters, and others with a working knowledge of tree biology, anatomy, and assessment.
Continuing education credits for ISA (6.5 each class), ASLA and SAF (6.0 Category 1 each) members will be available for both classes.
Registration is required, and space is limited. To register go to http://forestry.alaska.gov/community/news.htmto download the registration form and submit it with a check.
The registration deadline is close of business on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
Please direct questions to Stephen Nickel at 269-8466 or stephen.nickel@alaska.gov
The workshops will be taught by Scott Baker - founder and principal of Tree Solutions Inc., a tree consulting company in Seattle. Mr. Baker is a Board Certified Master Arborist and Registered Consulting Arborist. He has worked with trees for over 30 years and relies on his background as a successful developer to bridge the gap between construction and trees.

Adopt A Stream - Storm Drain Stenciling
What: Call for Volunteers - Storm Drain Stenciling
When: Thursday - Sept 24th @ Noon, 2pm and 4pm
Why: Adopt A Stream#NoFilter Day
It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3
1. RSVP with your time available to Bryn.TVWA@gmail.com
Time's available are noon, 2 pm or 4 pm
2. Show up at The Venue downtown on 2nd Avenue.
3. Stencil storm drains downtown during your scheduled time.
Space is limited - so please RSVP to Bryn. Thanks!
There is parking downtown at the Fairbanks parking garage - cost is $1 per hour.

Chinook Salmon Citizen Scientist Sampling
What lives in the Chena River? Come help us pull out a baited minnow trap and find out! Learn about chinook salmon and other fish that live in the Chena River and help take water quality samples. This event is free and open to the public. All ages welcome! Contact Bryn.tvwa@gmail.com to reserve your space.

ESCAPE into Nature Series- Critters and Wildlife of the Chena River
Come learn about wildlife that makes its home along the Chena River. We'll talk tracks, food, habits and habitat. We'll spend time learning about water quality and sampling the Chena River as well. This event is free and open to all ages.

Piledriver Slough Monitoring
Check out the program details and check with staff to volunteer and get involved!!!

Green Infrastructure Tour
RSVP to reserve your spot and learn about the meet up location: TVWatershed@gmail.com

#ShareYourPlate Week of Classes
Saturday, 22nd @ 10 am • Identifying and Using Berries
Sunday, 23rd @ 1 pm • Wild Edible Plant Identification and Values
Monday, 24th @ 6 pm • Pickling with Milkacid Fermentation
Tuesday, 25th @ 5 pm • Successful, Sustainable Wild Plant Foraging
Wednesday, 26th @ 4 pm • Fish Cutting 101
Thursday, 27th @ 6 pm • Wild Chaga 101: Harvesting and Uses
Friday, 28th @ 5 pm • Birch Tree Tapping
Friday, 28th @ 6 pm & Saturday, 29th @ 10 am • Field to Freezer
Saturday, 29th @ 1 pm • Botany for the Wild Forager
Sunday, 30th @ 1 pm • Using Wild Plants in the Wilderness
Grand Finale Potluck Feast on August (30th) @ 5:00 - 8:00 pm
For prices & registration information
Brought to you in part by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Partners

Chinook Salmon Citizen Science Saturday Sampling
What lives in the Chena River? Come help us pull out a baited minnow trap and find out! Learn about chinook salmon and other fish that live in the Chena River and help take water quality samples. This event is free and open to the public. All ages welcome! Contact Bryn.tvwa@gmail.com to reserve your space.

ESCAPE into Nature Series: Bugs- Invertebrate Intrigue
Learn all about bugs that make their home in the riparian zones of the Chena River right outside our office. We will be catching and identifying bugs and talking about how they live and what they mean to the ecosystem. We'll also spend time learning about water quality. This event is free and open to all ages.

August Board of Directors Meeting
Monthly Board Meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to RSVP to account for any handouts and to make sure we inform you if for some reason there is a schedule/location change.

Chinook Salmon Citizen Science Saturday Sampling
What lives in the Chena River? Come help us pull out a baited minnow trap and find out! Learn about chinook salmon and other fish that live in the Chena River and help take water quality samples. This event is free and open to the public. All ages welcome! Contact Bryn.tvwa@gmail.com to reserve your space.

ESCAPE into Nature Series: Chinook Life cycle and the Chena River
Learn about chinook of king salmon and how they use the Chena river right outside our window. We'll spend the first hour learning about water quality and sampling the Chena and the next hour learning about the king of fish! This event is free and open to all ages.

Citizen Science Showcase - Upward Bound Projects
Citizen Science Showcase - Upward Bound Projects
Wednesday, July 1st - from 2pm - 4pm @ UAF in the Murie Building
Upward Bound - in partnership with University of Alaska Fairbanks, EPSCoR, and One Tree Alaska - TVWA would like to invite you to experience the Citizen Science Showcase created by Upward Bound students - stop in and check out their displays at our mini science fair.
About Upward Bound:
The goal of Upward Bound is to improve the graduation rates of high school students and increasing the number of graduates who enter colleges and universities. Upward Bound offers a six-week summer residential program held on the UAF campus. This summer students from all over Alaska have created presentations on the topics they learned during their stay in Fairbanks.
Presentations to include:
- A short film about the ecological and cultural importance of rivers
- Poster and model about storm water pollution
- Poster and model about fracking and water pollution
- Poster about litter in streams to oceans
- PowerPoint about water consumption and pollution
- Poster on invertebrates (6 groups chosen) found in Deadmans Slough
- Poster on invertebrates (6 different groups chosen) found in Deadman's Slough
We look forward to seeing you there!
UAF’s EPSCoR Sandbox Terrain On Display!
Augmented-reality sandbox brings topographical maps to life! A topographical map lays atop the sand, projected from above. As someone pushes the sand in the box up to form a large mound, it appears on the overlay like a large mountain. Creating an environment people can see for themselves to help connect the often confusing world of topographic maps. A hand held above eight inches above the sand is read as a cloud and begins dropping rain onto the landscape below. The valleys fill with virtual water and flow down from the top of the mountains in channels.in channels.
Chinook Salmon Citizen Scientist Saturday Sampling
What lives in the Chena River? Come help us pull out a baited minnow trap and find out! Learn about chinook salmon and other fish that live in the Chena River and help take water quality samples. This event is free and open to the public. All ages welcome! Contact Bryn.tvwa@gmail.com to reserve your space.
ESCAPE into Nature Series: Habitat Types and Assessment
Come join our citizen science team by learning about habitat types and ways that we can assess habitat health in our own backyards. This event is totally free and open to the public.

Chena Riverwalk
A fun, educational, nature-themed ¾ mile or 2-mile walk along the Chena River for kids ages toddler-middle school. Featuring crafts, games, and activities hosted by 20 local organizations and businesses.
Your Journey begins at the Carlson Center where you’ll pick up you map, waterbottle, tote bag and other goodies for the trip. You then choose between two routes: the Explorer loop goes ¾ mile from the Carlson Center through Pioneer Park and ends with a free ride on the train. It is intended for kids ages 2-6. The Adventurer loop is 2 miles long and involves getting on a bus from Carlson Center to Morris Thompson Center and walking back to Carlson Center along the river. This loop is intended for kids ages 7-12. Celebrate your successful adventure with snacks at the Carlson Center.
To learn more: http://www.tvwatershed.org/chena-riverwalk-event/

11th Annual Stream Clean Up Day
YOU! Come out and help…on foot or in a canoe! We need volunteers. All cleanup
supplies will be provided – trash bags, safety vests, gloves, water, snacks, and t‐shirts.
Please note that children under 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For additional information, contact Jackson Fox at 459‐6758 or email jcfox@ci.fairbanks.ak.us.

Chena River Summit 2015
Come join us at the Carlson Center for a summit focusing on the value of the Chena River, with experts providing facts related to the economics and river environment while stimulating conversations among the many community stakeholders; featuring a variety of sessions covering Critters, Habitat, Recreation, and Economics of the Chena River.