We Love Volunteers
TVWA programs include working with residents, local government, and agencies to develop stream enhancement plans that will improve the recreational value of our waterways while maintaining or improving the fish and wildlife habitat values. We strive to provide residents with the information, insight, and tools they need to make positive changes in the watershed by working together to protect vital resources and the natural beauty of our region for current and future generations. Volunteers are very important to TVWA’s future. They bring energy and passion and help us do more for the watershed than we could otherwise do on our own.
How can you volunteer?
Stream Clean-up - Join our annual stream clean up days or pick your own!
Water Quality Monitoring - Become a citizen scientist with our Adopt-A-Stream program.
Invasive Species Monitoring - Help monitor and prevent the spread of harmful invasive species.
Green Infrastructure - Learn about and make projects like rain barrels, rain gardens, flow-through planters and more.
Riverbank Restoration - Join our effort to restore local stream and riverbanks.
Event Help - Be a part of the action! Volunteer to help spread the word at one of our public events.
Let's get started!
Please fill out the form below. This will help us make your volunteer experience a good one!
If you're having problems with the fillable form above - fill out the form below and email it to us.
Fill out this volunteer interest form then email us
TVWA looks forward to working with you!