What are "Outdoor Discover Zones" and why are they important?
Outdoor Discovery Zones are nature-themed classrooms. TVWA empowers educators in outdoor classrooms activities to connect students with a natural learning environment. Using low-cost natural and recycled materials we help to create a safe, inspiring, wildlife-friendly zone for kids to connect to the natural world. The outdoor classroom evolves from the real needs of children, offers activities that are personally meaningful to them and fully embraces developmentally appropriate practices.

Outdoor Discovery Zone at THREAD
In 2014 TVWA worked with ThrivAlaska's Head Start and Early Head Start program, THREAD , to create a Outdoor Discovery Zone at their Fairbanks base, 1908 Old Pioneer Way. This design included a play space with signage and opportunities for natural curriculum, exploration, and discovery. It was an outdoor-themed playground using low-cost natural and recycled materials to create a safe, inspiring, wildlife-friendly zone for kids and their parents to connect to the natural world.
The project was completed in partnership with THREAD and the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District. Funded by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service project agreement for Schoolyard Habitats.
Elements of this project include:
Natural fencing made of hand-peeled fire-killed spruce poles, locally harvested and assembled by Boreal Journeys Alaska.
Nature trail made of landscaping cloth, rock chips, and stenciled tree cookies.
Dry creek bed full of bull rock and river rock.
Kiddie picnic table made from large spruce logs.
Four Square garden with stenciled pavers.
Bird nesting box made by Ducks Unlimited.
Painted Rain Barrel (Green Infrastructure Project!)
Rain Garden
Magnetic box culvert
Weather station
Balance Beam
This project was made possible by volunteer labor and generous donations from:
Fairbanks Rotary Club
ATLAS Youth Corps
Boreal Journeys Alaska
Fairbanks Sand and Gravel
Exclusive Landscaping and Paving
Arctic Fire and Safety
Ducks Unlimited
Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game
Spenard's Building Supplies
Home Depot
and more! (coming soon)